Re: When did Helvetica and Times New Roman reach such levels of influence?
Even for techniques unrelated to typesetting machines (or body text, for that matter), Times was a standard long before the Mac: Letraset carried Times Bold as early as 1960, as one of their first do…3 -
Re: When did Helvetica and Times New Roman reach such levels of influence?
Mark, thank you for sharing these insights! This sounds like a great book indeed.I once made me a cheat sheet for telling apart Times and Times New Roman (the system versions on Mac OS and MS Windows…2 -
Re: Where to find old fonts?
I’m not saying they are the last word on the subject, but there are at least two digital interpretations of Jean-Paul-Fraktur.1 -
Re: Any recommendations for a reputable vendor focused on Cyrillic (or generally multi-language) fonts?
Unfortunately, Paratype also has a CEO who spoke out in favor of Russia’s annexation of the occupied territories of Ukraine.11 -
Re: "Scotch Rules"
Quigley Publishing Co. used the term in 1919, for a pair of opposing thick-thin rules.Meggs used it in 1982 to describe Bodoni’s use of “double and triple thick-and-thin elements”.In U&lc vol. 15…5